Prescription Drug Addiction Gibraltar

Prescrtion Drug Addiction can creep up on you out of nowhere because a doctor often prescribed you the drugs that cause the problem.

cheap spirits for sale in Gibraltar storesGibrlatar is not alone in the fact it has quite a few people addicted to medicnes prescribed by the doctors.

Muscle relaxers should be considered in the same way as cocaine and other drugs because these are denagerous substances.

Used in the correct way the prescrition causes no problems for most people but eventually the dependency can just come along..

Imagine you have a bad shoulder because of a strain or an injury and to relax it the doctor that sees you with the injury gives you a muscle relaxant. The drug or your body dosent know its just your shoulder that needs help so the drugs work on your entire body.

Aches and pains are suddenly gone and your entire body feels relaxed and nice.
This relaxation of your body and the increased energy causes you problems because its a fake high just temporarily acting on your body.

Your shoulder will feel better and if you take your muscle relaxer day and night its like you never had a problem but all it does is mask the real underlying issues.

Imagine you also get another injury but because your body is so relaxed the actual pain never comes and in this scenario you have a ticking time bomb.

Even though we are just getting started with the licencing in Gibraltar we can see you just over the border in Spain.

Prescription medicine addiction treatmentThe problem comes when you stop taking the prescription drugs and your body starts to ache from the problems that are still there.

You will get withdrawl symptoms and aches and pains like you never had before so this is why you will need a lot of help.


Diagnosis or Re-Diagnosis

The first thing we need to do when we see you is to give you a full consultation to find out your issues.

If you have been through a consultation before and have been `diagnosed` as having an alcohol problem we still need to go through another consultation with you.

In some countrys there is upto a 45% mis-diagnosis of illnesses, so we need to just double check.


We need to work out a treatment plan and follow it through.

Follow Up

After the initail diagnosis and subsequent treatment we need to follow up

Our Licenced Gibraltar Psychiatrists can treat you immediately

Call us or email us so we can book an appointment.

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