Drug Rehabs & Alcohol Detox Centers

50 Signs to know how a shy girl likes you

posted by: Earl in the Drug Rehab Blog

Before I get into how to recognise signs a shy girl is attracted to you or likes you I will take you through the basics of non verbal communication.


Non verbal communication is reading how people are talking to you or a group without using words coming out of their mouth.

Some non verbal communication is how their eyes react or how their face moves.
More ways people communicate is how they point their body parts such as positioning their feet, crossing their legs or turning their body at a specific angle.

If you take some time to learn about body language with a focus on non verbal commication you can with practise become a fantastic communicator because you understand the whole situation rather than just the words spoken.


First Method to see if a shy girl is attracted to you. Watch for a shy girls eyes. When you meet a girl that isnt shy they will often make direct eye contact.
A sign that a shy girl likes you that their pupils will get bigger and their eyes will sometimes flicker. If a girl is really shy she will often avoid making eye contact with you completely but this is not a sign she dosent like you. You need to look at who she is making eye contact with. If she is making eye contact with a person you are close to or are familar with she may be looking at a way to get close to you through them.

Second Method to see if a shy girl likes you. Keep an eye on her lips when she is talking to you. Look for light swelling in her lips or if she licks her lips. There is a more direct way that sometimes works if she knew she was going to be talking to you or takes a break from you and she has been to apply lip gloss.

Third Method to see if a girl thats shy is in love with you. Is her face slightly red? If a shy girl is attracted to you, likes you or is in love with you it will be impossible for her to hide because her face may get flushed and get very pink.

Fouth Method. Keep an eye on her neck because there is 3 direct signs here. Her neck may get more red when blood flows into it. If she really does like you she may show you more of her neck by positioning her head to show you different parts of her neck and more skin. Another way involving the neck is if she starts touching her own neck when she is talking to you. Touching her neck is a sure fire wat she is showing you that she is attracted to you even if she is really shy.

Fifth Method. When a really shy girl has a crush on you and wants you to go somewhere with her she may ask everyone else around you and ask you to go last. This is a very confusing sign because it makes no sense but they think if everyone else is going they can get you to go and maybe be alone with you.

Every day i will add more methods.