Alcohol Detox Centers & Alcohol Rehab Clinics in Spain

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alcohol addiction treatment in spain

Is an alcohol addiction causing issues for you or a loved one?

With over 15 years experience treating people from across the world there is nothing we haven't seen before.

Updated on Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 07:09:33 pm

Why is alcohol so destructive?

Something so common that exists in stores, bars, dance places and parties shouldn't be so dangerous. I mean it is only made through fermentations of yeast, sugars and starches. It is produced by nature in cherries and birds that eat them get drunk.
As with all drug substances it affect the body and mind in a certain way and some people have a sensitive central nervous system that doesn't have a strong protection from changing the balance of neurotransmitters. When the balance is changed and we stop taking the alcohol the body thinks it is out of balance and needs alcohol to reset the balance. It is like needing water and food when you don't have it. You can't think straight and everything is just a disaster. Back to top of page


The Guardian

Why is alcohol so dangerous?

The dangerous aspect of alcohol is when you consume it more than the body can handle. The liver can only take so much and it gets ruined when you're exceeding the limit of what it can handle.

This also means that when the liver can't function properly any other substances that normally is harmless will do even more damage.
When you drink alcohol the liver breaks it down and then passes it through into your urine. Small amounts of alcohol can actually be beneficial to health but anything more becomes poison to your body.

The consumption of alcohol is also very treacherous because when you drink your alcohol in locations where it gets very hot the body gets fooled that it has enough water to battle the heat. You will not drink enough water and it can be fatal when that happens as you will dehydrate and your body core temperature will just go haywire.Back to top of page

"Alcohol addiction is a mental health issue not a social one"


Why do you need a long alcohol rehab treatment?

After many years of drinking you come to a point where you need a long treatment in the right environment. This means you can't get treatment for a couple of days and then go home. It doesn't work like that.

You easily fall into the old habits and the effort and money are just thrown away in the garbage. You need a much longer treatment until you can stand on your own legs again.

We ideally say people need a minimum of 4 weeks of inpatient rehab if they have been using alcohol for a long time and even longer if they have mixed it with other drugs. Back to top of page

Fill out the form and we will call you back to discuss options for your 28 day or anything up to a 3 month stay.

Staffed by English Nurses and Doctors you can be sure that if you stay from 28 days to 3 months you will be happy with the care you get for your alcohol treatment in Spain


Russell Brand

Why cant i handle alcohol?

People I know can handle alcohol but not me. Why is that?

The reason for that can vary. How old are you? At a younger age you're more vital and all organs are healthy. Young people can drink, have fun and the next day go to school or work.

There is a debate that gender plays a role on how much a person can handle the alcohol consumption but this is not scientifically proven that it really has.

Depending on what race or ethnicity you have the amount of alcohol your body can take can vary but not much. What plays a big role is your physical condition when talking about your weight and fitness level. If you're a big person you will have more blood in your body and therefore you can handle more alcohol.
lf you have a high metabolism it can burn the alcohol much faster than a person that don't have that. Alcohol problems can also be genetically inherited so if you relatives have had these problems it can be a reason why you have these problems.

One of the main reasons is tolerance. Your body may have been able to handle alcohol in the past but you either build up a tolerance to it or your body starts fighting against you. Back to top of page


F. Scott Fitzgerald

Safe alcoholic drinks

Can I find something safe to drink that is not affecting my health negatively?

In general the answer is no.

Anything with alcohol will affect your chemical balance in your body negatively there is however some speculation that one glass of wine every day is good for your heart.

The latest scientific research about that contradict this because there has been found that even a small amount of alcohol increase the risk of Atrial Fibrillation which is an abnormal and irregular beating heart rhythm.

The heart also beats much faster when that happens. For people that doesn't yet have an addiction to alcohol it is more safe to drink with common sense and not often.

It is the amount of alcohol that is consumed and how often the drink of wine, beer or liquor is taken that determines if a person will be unaffected or if he or she will become addicted to it.
Occasionally a doctor will tell a person with an alcohol problem to try drinking Guinness because this is a drink that will fill your stomach before you can drink too much alcohol. This is a very temporary situation though before treatment starts. Back to top of page

Drinking and drunk driving

It is not recommended to drink alcohol before driving.

That is even if you know how to stay under the alcohol limit for driving a car it is not recommended to have any drug substance at all when you're driving.

This is because your reaction time will be far less than if you had no alcohol at all in your system. Now when it comes to having alcohol over this limit then you're become a danger to yourself and others and when the police arrests you loose both money, time and the police will start to notice you.

Killing someone when driving drunk is something of the worst things that can happen to you and the relatives to the person that was killed.

This is something you will not forget and it is a destructive thing to wear all your life. Back to top of page

Is it legal to drive with small amounts of alcohol?

Yes for anyone that is 21 or older the state law defines a legal limit of 0.08% alcohol in the blood and that is 0.8g/L. For anyone that has not had their 21 birthday yet but got their driver license there is zero tolerance of alcohol in the system when driving and your drivers license is taken on the spot if the police finds out that you have been drinking. They do a blood alcohol test and use a breathalyzer to determine the alcohol levels. There is a wide misunderstanding that the legal limit defines when it is safe to drive a vehicle and this misunderstanding have large consequences for anyone that just got their drivers license or lose their drivers license that is required for work. Back to top of page

Who should definitely not drink alcohol

Other than the obvious described earlier about driving drunk, people that have a job that require fine hand coordination where a slight mistake can cause serous consequences. I'm thinking of captain driving a boat or a plane or someone that does surgery on a patience. Alcohol will dramatically reduce reaction time so for people that does sport like football, tennis or slalom it should be avoided at all cost. Other reason for people to avoid taking alcohol is when the person is pregnant. The baby can get permanent damage to brain or body should the mother keep drinking. People that is taking medications like prescription or over-the-counter substances should strongly resist alcohol substances because the medications can have life threatening effects or cause permanent damage to your body. People that have been addicted to alcohol and just gone through long fight to get rid of the alcohol addiction should avoid alcohol like the plague. The body will remember the addiction and once it taste it again you're hooked again. Of course people that are under the age of 21 that is the legal drinking age should avoid alcohol to keep their future intact from negative deviations like criminal activity or just being an addict to alcohol and other drugs. Back to top of page

Why do people get dependent of alcohol

One of the main reason why people get depended of alcohol is because of the body get addicted after a long-term abuse of alcohol. The other reason is more psychological. The person believes that he or she can't handle normal situations in every day life. There is also people that hide their drinking at work and that they need it to coop with stressful situations. Becoming dependent on alcohol is actually defined as a chronic disease but the disease has nothing to do with bacteria, virus or parasites but it is rather the chemical unbalance that is caused by a long term abuse of alcohol. Back to top of page

Who can help me if I have a drinking problem

A personal health care provider can consult you if you or someone in the family have a drinking problem.
Drinking alcohol will cause problem in your social life.
It affects how you think and feel and it will most likely destroy any relationships that you built over a longer time.
But a health care provider can help you find the right treatments programs.

Getting help is very important for young persons that starts to drink excessively.
Young persons before an age of 15 are up to five times more likely to be addicted to alcohol than grown-ups at an age of 21 or over. Back to top of page

We can help with a 28 day inpatient treatment for alcohol addiction.

With a lovely climate and some of the best care combined with cutting edge treatment there are many that choose to do a 28 day inpatient alcohol treatment in Spain

I'm pregnant can I drink moderately?

t depends on what you mean with moderately. We don't recommend you to drink anything if you want you baby to become healthy. Alcohol is a toxin and what you drink will actually become what the baby gets as nourishment. You don't want your kids to drink and in that case this is exactly what would be happening to your baby. Not the truth is that most pregnant women doesn't follow the rules of zero alcohol consumption and there has actually been studies that included thousands of children with mothers that consumed two drinks per week and the rest of the women didn't consume any alcohol. The conclusion was that there were no difference at all. the truth is that in some cultures pregnant women have been drinking alcohol for ages but the amount of alcohol consumed was very moderately. Back to top of page

The effects of addiction sneaks up on you

After a longer time of drinking you start to change. The changes is something you don't easily notice until a to long time have passed and the change drags you down to your knees. I'm not talking about the alcohol addiction itself but what it does to you social skills and your charisma. I'm talking about how you look to other people and how they judge you. The facts is that the image of someone is a much more important factor for your success to get a job and create new connections. You don't see this when you look at yourself but it is there and it shines out to other people unconsciously and it play a role in how people approach you or treats you. The thing about this is that our feeling have a lot to do with the way we act and others will notice your body language that tells them that you are beaten down and depressed. People are reluctant to socialize with someone that are depressed or glum. For that reason it is important to find a rehab as soon as possible. The longer you wait the harder it will get to come back to a normal addiction free healthy life. Back to top of page

Finding a system that works for you

lf you're in a position where you still can take care of yourself or maybe other person that have a friend or relative that have an alcohol addiction the first step is to look around and see what kind of treatment methods are available for you or your friend etc. Don't sit back and hope you will handle this somehow by yourself because the addiction is more treacherous than you can imagine and you can imagine the way it pulls you back into unwillingness to take any form of action. If you find yourself able to help you or someone then do a search on internet for addiction treatment. In that search you will find many opportunities to participate into various programs. Did you know that you can find free treatments centers for people that have no money or insurance. The way in could be a difficult task and take a long time because when it is free you can count on many people will stand in line. For that reason as I mention before you need to do it early while you still can handle yourself or have a friend or relative that actively does this for you. Back to top of page

Unhappy with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Because AA meetings organized by the state is a free meeting with a group of people that have an alcohol addiction and this meeting is not run by train people they are all there mostly for the same reason to get help. Because everyone are there because they need help the chance of someone helping you out outside the meetings are very slim. The state want to save money and the quality of the meetings are bad. There are no trained people there that knows how to save you when you fall. Even so some of them has gone through alcohol addiction and attend to the meeting as a reminder to never start drinking again so the AA meetings would be more suited for them. Back to top of page

Getting over alcohol addiction

will The inability to control drinking is a behavior that is the same for all alcohol addicts. It is the social acceptance that is the primary reason for people to fall into alcohol addiction. In order to get over alcohol addiction and putting the problem behind you you need to build up a case against your alcohol needs. You need to teach your mind to find all the reasons to stop drinking and start to think about them everyday. think about how you feel after drinking and think of all stupid things you did when you were drunk. Think about how much you spend on drinking and how much money you would save if you didn't drink. Think about all times when you were sober and felt good. The hardest thing of all is to not be in situations where the temptation will become too much. Mind however that this will not work for everyone especially if you have been an addict for too long. It is recommended to seek out specialized treatment if that is the case. Back to top of page

The way to stop drinking

When alcohol is taking over your life you get so dependent on drinking that you can't even think about living a life without alcohol. Some people realize that they can't go on like this and want to do something about it. It is not easy standing on your feats when you're beaten down. You might give up because you think you can't really quit completely but that thought process has a fault. You can't climb the mountain in an instance. You need to take it in small steps. Translating this metaphor would mean you can't perhaps stop drinking in an instant but you can manage your drinking a little bit. You can encourage yourself to cut down on the drinking. Say to yourself that I'm promising that I'm going to do this or that as a punishment if you break your promise of taking more than 3 drinks in an evening. Paint your hair blue if you fail for example. The first time you try to manage your drinking you will perhaps fail. Not uncommon. You might start to rationalize while you're drinking like in a dream and you suddenly end up with way more drinks than you promised. You paint your hair blue in that case and people are going to ask you why did you paint your hair? You will have to explain to them why, that you broken your promise. This way you actually get help from the people you meet and it will make it a lot easier. You will very likely succeed with your promise and when that happens something amazing will happen. You will get confidence and you start to learn that you actually have power over your alcohol addiction you start to feel better about yourself and when that happens you also start to do better for yourself. It makes sense that when you are happy to act in a certain way and when you are sad you act in another way. There is this two side of you that are different where the one side is positive side and the other side is the negative side. We have the confident, energetic side that you get when you stop the alcohol consumption. When you're back in the alcohol addiction and feel beaten down you will build your negative side, that is, feeling lazy and insecure. Our feelings are connected to our body language. People see the way we act. When they see that you start to shine you get so much positive energy back and things just get so much easier. The only difficult thing is to start. So I would say this to you. Start Now. Can you do that?..... What are you waiting on? Back to top of page

The drinking gave me a false sense of confidence

Because people use the alcohol to handle social situations or to just forget something unpleasant it can work as a false sense of confidence. It can be very difficult to stop having the drink that you need to handle different situations. You need to start to think like what is drugs giving you or gambling. You can see that your beliefs and you feelings is driving your behavior and you start to realize that you feel much better without the alcohol and that the false confidence isn't really what you want. You want to stop feeling like a looser and you want to feel successful instead of getting down and feel defeated. You want to feel confident and on top of things. Back to top of page

Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Identify your need and what you want

Train yourself to think about what you want or what you need. Notice that the more clear you are on your needs you learn that your needs is driving your behavior and you also learn that it gets more easy to find a strategy to meet those needs. The strategy will take your unwanted habit or addiction and address any challenges or difficult times that will come in your way and you will have the right tools to stop your addiction. Back to top of page

Why is alcohol so dangerous?

How to get through a treatment program

People have different treatment needs because no two people are alike. Treatment plans needs to be individualized. The body have a way to respond to the craving for alcohol. The craving can be so empowering so that the drinking becomes an obsession. This is why the treatment for alcohol addiction is so unique. You will first have to go to a detox treatment to stabilize your chemical balance. It is not the detox treatment that is the hard part but the risk of relapse. You're not ready to take the responsibility early in the process so your loved ones families and friends need to be there to support your recovery. Your mind needs to stand on its own and when you notice that you get confidence while you make small improvements you get a momentum and you start to feel better. Back to top of page

Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Your reputation is sacred

One of the things that will affect you when you spiraled down with your drinking habits is your reputation. If you had a good social life before drinking with many connections and friends the new reputation you get will be the main reason why people stops seeing you. You might think that because you're in need of help you would get help from your friends. In reality this is nothing you can count on and this is how you see who your real friends are. A real friend cares about you and will be there when you fall. There is however another side of the coin that needs to take into consideration. If you're a person with a lot of pride you wouldn't like to show or talk about your problems. You will want to be the person that deals with her own problems and if you have any friends they wouldn't be able to help you because you wouldn't want to have their help. The chance is that the more pride you have the more beaten-down you will get. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Alcohol addiction: Losing friends and family in the process

When the alcohol becomes a way to escape your past memories because they make you remember something awful that happened earlier in life it will also make you stop feeling anything. Feelings are necessary to bring people closer to you like friends and families. When you stop feeling you stop caring and after a while friends stops caring and a family that doesn't know the seriousness of your situation will just leave you alone because they will think that you have your life and that your social connection has changed. What your family and friends doesn't know is that in fact to get more beaten-down and more hurt. You are living a life of lies. Your hands tremble first thing in the morning. Every morning you feel the remorse from drinking. The alcohol becomes a medication for your trembling and it requires you to take that drink just to get through the day. Now it is more important than ever to seek help. If you can't get help from friends or family you need to speak with your doctor or a psychologist. You would want to participate in a treatment program. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Addiction treatment in Costa del Sol

When you talk with your doctor or psychologist they will offer you various options. You would want to find a rehabilitation clinic in a relaxing environment and one addiction treatment center with a good reputation is located in Costa del Sol in Spain. You would want to leave your old place and environment and change it to something entirely new because your new life with start today. The clinic in Costa del Sol will prepare you physically and mentally. They will give you the tools and structure needed to get yourself back to a positive state of mind. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Eric in Gibraltar: Never again alcohol

Eric* (name changed) in Gibraltar tells us about his recovery when he was undergoing treatment: I was hurt and beaten. I lied to myself and others and couldn't feel any more. I failed several times to get free from alcohol addiction but I relapsed because I underestimated the time and the difficulty of stopping taking the drink that would get me started again. When I finally come to my senses that this is something I can't handle myself I started to search for help and a psychologist referred me to this treatment center in Costa del Sol. After a time at the clinic I got myself back to a positive state of mind. When I was drunk I didn't realize that I could have a positive state of mind. This is probably what alcohol does to you. It numbs your senses and reason and you tend to forget about the things that keeps you together. It has become up to three years without alcohol and I feel wonderful. Just think of all the people that have gone before me. I learned from them and got their strength and experiences. I learned to do the right things and to follow the process that bestow upon me. I'm now free from alcohol and it feels good. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Alcohol problem in a person's lifetime

Do you ever wonder how many people out there that likes to drink that will risk developing some sort of problem with alcohol in their lifetime. A couple of the researchers did a broad survey of medical studies and got their results published in the British medical Journal the Lancet. The results tells that one in five men will have a problem with alcohol where 15% of men will risk having some kind of alcohol abuse and 10% will be fully dependent of alcohol and this is more than twice the risk to women. The question is why is the bigger problem for men to begin with. Nobody really knows why but we can speculate that it is all about male competitiveness and mail bonding but it is not for sure. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Keeping your new year promise of getting free from alcohol

Right before the new year many of us want to make the promise to make our lives better. Many of us with alcohol problems want to come back from the addiction and will decide to make that a new year promise. This will most likely be the hardest promise to keep and it will use all the strength you have. A wise decision would be to seek out help from friends and family. It would also help to change the environment entirely and move to another place. Did you know that alcohol addiction rehab clinics will offer you these sort of packages where you can avoid places that encourage party and drinking. Yes call the number on the web site and we will give you more information about it. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

The problem calling addiction a brain disease

is the addiction a disease of the brain? This is something you can hear people talk about and some of them say that this is the fact but the fact is that scientists can't even define the term addiction. Their national Institute of drug abuse defined addiction as a chronic relapsing brain disease and that it is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use. Doctors want to categorize medical issues but when it comes to calling addiction a brain disease they are not fully in agreement. Some say that an addiction is a condition that changes the brain over time and make the brain work differently. The question is how can we call it a disease? There is no virus or bacteria involved and as soon as the person stops drinking the brain starts to heal itself. Now the problem calling addiction a brain disease is that people accept it as a disease doesn't make an effort to beat it. Instead of giving up because they think it is a disease they should ask themselves: I'm drinking about this much every day and what problems do I have with this level of alcohol consumption. What do I need to fight my addiction? Where can I get help? Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Is occasional overindulgence a problem?

In this case we need to see how an occasional overindulgence affect the person. We ideally really want to identify the crucial balance point that will be the drive to an addiction. What is meant by that is that there is a difference let's say for a person having a drink just before a job interview than loads of drinks before a party. If the drink is necessary to handle situation it would tip the balance towards a risk of addiction while a drink before an occasional party would not necessary have any risk at all. the crucial thing is to stay on the safe side of the balance point and if you are not feeling that you can't manage that then you need to take a more direct step to make an adjustment. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

How to know when you need to stop drinking?

It is all about the perspective on how you have chosen what is a safe level. If you have decided that more than three drinks a week is too much then you need to cut back your drinking. The decision is usually very personal because the result of your drinking is interfering with activities and goals that is very valuable to you. Some people want to cut back because they feel it will affect how they communicate with their families. However there is a risk that the longer you wait to do something about it the more the risk of loosing the perspective on what makes you be able to identify what is important for you or what you hold dear. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Should I try a different approach, instead of alcoholics anonymous?

If you are currently trying to get rid of your addiction and you're going to an AA meeting for that reason but you feel that it doesn't really help you, then you should definitely find alternatives to AA. There are some self empowering support groups like smart recovery and moderation management. These empower and support groups has and an entirely different approach than alcoholics anonymous. For a really high success rate to recovery you should try the treatment programs here in Costa del Sol. Support groups are just a part of the treatment program and you get so much more. You can feel yourself secure while you are undergoing the treatment which is not the case for AA or empower and support groups because they don't hold your hand when the meeting is over and you are alone as well as responsible for not taking the drink after the meeting. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Costa del Sol treatment program

the Costa del Sol rehabilitation clinic is one of the most prestigious treatment facility in Spain. We provide both individualized treatment and innovative therapies and what is being offered is a wonderful gift because with these therapies we treat both drugs and alcohol addiction and other sort of issues like trauma and abuse. Every treatment is tailored individually to your need and this is why we have such a high success rate for clients that is participating in our treatment programs. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

The meaning of getting drunk

How does the body react when you consume alcohol. If you are the kind of person to lose control of your drinking quantities then when you come to certain point you are at risk of getting an acute intoxication. In order to experience an acute intoxication you need to drink excessive amounts of alcohol. Alcohol intoxication is harmful for your body. The poor lack of judgment when you need a quick reaction time as well as poor balance and motor skills will in many situations prevent you to maneuver dangerous equipment and vehicles when you encounter situations that can become very close to either saving a life or killing a person. Alcohol will make you lose body heat and you will not feel that when you body starts to get dangerously cold. The dilation of the blood vessels will release the body heat and if you're falling in a lake with freezing cold water then you can die in a very short time.


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Are you safe if you drink alcohol moderately?

This is not true. There is no level of drinking that is a risk-free. Alcohol is a toxic that is harmful both for your mind and your body. As soon as you introduce the toxic to your body you will always be at some risk of getting a disease or having your health affected negatively. We can see a trend that drinking can cause diabetes and overweight. Damage to your organs is also a risk you will take when you consume alcohol. A typical invisible effect of alcohol is damage to your liver and you will not feel that your liver is slowly dying. Only when it's too late you will know that you have a liver disease unless you do a full health check at the doctor. Back to top of page ^
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Why is alcohol so dangerous?

What is fetal alcohol spectrum disorder?

When the mother doesn't stay clear of drinking then FASD defines various problems that can be caused by the alcohol. These problems can be ranging from mild to severe depending on how much alcohol and drug substance and mother take during her pregnancy. Physical problems on a child such as abnormal head and face where deformation in small steps is taking place during growth will be very often defined as a severe FASD. There are also other problems such as damaged learning and behavior ability and growth problems where a child becomes either much taller or smaller in contrast to other children of the same age. These effects gets more visible when the child becomes two or three years old but there are symptoms that can be spotted early such as problems with bonding and feeding for a newborn child. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

How can we prevent injuries from alcohol?

This is something that countries struggle to do worldwide by informing people through mass media and reaching out to different organization and influence them to change, add or strengthen policies and objectives. It would be impossible to set a zero percent injury goal set on a certain date but we should at least try to aim for it and reduce the frequency of injury while the goal is set in motion. The information that is spread throughout communities and media is formed in such a way that it encourage people to take responsibility and engage them to spread the message to friends and family. The truth is that we are all involved in the risk of becoming a victim or the drunk person behind the wheel. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Can excessive drinking lead to death?

Yes it is actually possible to consume alcohol in such high quantities that it can lead to an overdose. It is always a very good thing to know the balance where the alcohol intake has a pleasant affect and knowing when it will tip over to being unpleasant. The risk of drinking large quantities are much higher for underage drinkers and one reason for that could be that young people are much more influenced by their friends to test out new limits. They don't respect the danger of it in the same way as an adult. When a person is about to have an alcohol overdose or alcohol poisoning that the brain will be so intoxicated that it can't handle basic life support functions. It is especially very dangerous if the person snaps in and out from consciousness and are having symptoms like trouble with breathing, vomiting, space slow heart rate and a very low temperature of the body. The blood alcohol content (BAC) can rise even if the person has stopped drinking. It is especially dangerous if people think that the person is sleeping it off when he or she are in fact unconscious. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

What to do if you suspect that a person have alcohol poisoning?

If you see a person that have one or more of the symptoms that point to alcohol poisoning you should get medical help immediately. If a person is unconscious and he or she can't really stay awake than that is a strong indication that the individual have alcohol poisoning. There is a danger that the person can be shocking on vomit and die. This is because alcohol will affect the brain in such way that the signals that controls automatic responses such as the gag reflex will be hindered. There is also a risk that if the individual is lucky to recover from an overdose the damage done to the brain can be long-lasting and the person could never really recovered. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Are you drinking despite negative consequences

This is an indication that your drinking has gone too far and that you are calling for help. Otherwise you would not be reading this page and the fact is that you are here to seek out information and help. Most people quit in time but for many individuals it has gone too far and if you're the person that wake up after a heavy drinking night just to hear your buddy speak about the embarrassing party night where you made a fool out of yourself or you wake up with pain and bruises. Chances are that you are abusing alcohol and if you continue you will be dependent on alcohol and when that happens it would take a very long time to recover. You need to seek treatment as soon as possible. Our treatment center in Costa del Sol specializes in both alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. Please give us a call to give you further options tailored to your need. We promised that we will take care of you. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Are you drinking every day for medical purpose?

If you are drinking every day just because the medical establishment released some research papers that got published in news magazines or television that informs about that healthy benefit a couple of drinks a day can have on your heart then you need to do it with great care and you are always in the risks of a sudden wake up one day realizing that you are abusing alcohol. The fact is that alcoholics is a drug and the nature of it is that it has a tendency to be addictive. If you want to continue to choose alcohol as a medical substance and follow the recommended maximum number of drinks that you can have each day then we would recommend that you try this out a shorter period. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

When is it time to seek treatment for an abusive alcoholic

It can be very difficult to live with an abusive alcoholic when you love him or her but you hate what he or she becomes when your loved one starts to drink. Most of us has two sides where we are drunk or sober. The abusive side, the side that is your true you and that is always battling with the abusive side. When your loved one becomes drunk the abusive side may emerge depending on how much restraint the person have to hold the negative thoughts down. I read about a wife that used a video camera to record her husband when he was drinking. Because he was an abusive alcoholic he didn't have much restraint to prevent the negative side to emerge so he was calling her names and all that was recorded in the device. Later when the husband was sober he wasn't abusive anymore and she could reach him in a better way and show him how he was behaving when he was drunk. What I can't understand is why she doesn't seek help and treatment. It was like she was accepting the situation because she was loving her husband so much. Using the video camera to playback the video is an excellent way to show her husband that he is doing wrong. The disturbing thing is that they have kids and that the situation was going on and on. What if she told him that he could get treatment in a very nice Mediterranean environment in Costa del Sol. The treatment would strengthen him and build up his self-confidence as well as helping him become an awesome father that strongly says no to alcohol and never again drinking. Back to top of page ^
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Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Boating accidents and driving a boat drunk

As a teenager partying with friends and drinking alcohol at the same time is something that most teenager do and look forward to. When your party at a beach house or a house close to water and there is boat racing as an additional fun thing to do then the one thing that you should be very aware of is that accidents that can occur when you have alcohol in your body. First thing to say about this is that you shouldn't drive drunk at all. The alcohol will numb and slow down your senses. When you're driving the boat you have a very short reaction time to steer a way from the person that is taking a swim. Driving a boat in normal speed without being influenced by alcohol and at the same time be very aware on not hitting a person in the water requires much concentration especially when you drive near beaches. All you see is the head and can be easily mistaken for some floating garbage. When you drive the boat drunk you will be in a high risk situation of hitting someone in the water. This is of course very likely when you have a party at the beach house. Why wouldn't people go out and take a swim. And when people are drunk they don't often listen to the warnings of not taking a dip while the boat race is on. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Realize the alcohol problem

Each person need a treatment that is working for him or her and this is the key for a successful treatment. Sometimes a person can't see that there is a problem so the time span from alcohol abuse to finally be undergoing treatment can take a long time. What I mean is that the person needs to realize that he or she has a drinking problem or is abusing alcohol. A person can only stop the alcohol abuse and the alcohol dependence through motivation. The person needs to know what he or she is about to lose and what there is to gain if the individual can confront his a heart addiction and try out a treatment. Back to top of page ^
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Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Parents alcohol drinking influence their children

Alcohol abuse dates back to the beginning of time and has disrupted people, politics and civilizations. The problem with alcohol is that we embrace the drinking culture into the society and we don't respect the destruction that comes with it. For a young teenager to see their parents take a couple of drinks every day when they come home from work just to unwind will no doubt influence them in some way. If their parents didn't have any problems so why should they have any so the teenager start to bring their alcohol to the party without respecting the age limit for drinking alcohol. For a young teenager that haven't developed their mind, thoughts and respect to alcohol he or she risks being someone that abuses alcohol or worse becomes dependent of. Back to top of page ^
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Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Hard to stop the drinking frenzy

It is hard for a person that is abusing alcohol to put their drinking frenzy on a short leash. This is especially hard when they don't know that their abuse is taking over their life and they don't have any will at all to stop the drinking. They are not aware of the alcohol's effect on the body and how it will cause liver disease, kidney complications and brain damage. Why would they worry when everybody have a drink from time to time and why would they think of the danger when the society openly allows all kinds of alcohol-based beverage advertisement. To stop the drinking frenzy the alcoholic needs a strong will to stop. If the alcoholic is dependent of alcohol it requires an even stronger will. For traditional treatment programs it is hard to treat them alcoholic if he or she doesn't have the will to quit but for our treatments programs here in Costa del Sol we have specialized long time treatment that allows us to build up the will of an alcoholic and make it super strong. It is very important to know that the patient needs to be treated for a longer period, several months or even more in order to recover from the addiction. Back to top of page ^
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Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Using alcohol to solve your depression

There are many people that are depressed and many of them use alcohol to relieve their depressed mood temporarily. The sad fact about using alcohol as a relieve substance is that it doesn't let the brain handle the depression but rather suppress it and in many cases it will make it even worse. Every time alcohol is used the body will tolerate more of the alcohol and thus the person will drink more. You may think that there no problem with that but the fact is that the organs can't keep up with the increased alcohol intake. Because alcohol also suppresses your reasoning and your motivation to keep on living your life it is also a very common way for people to take their lives. Back to top of page ^
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Why is alcohol so dangerous?

A typical case of an alcoholic

Feeling helpless when alcohol sets in because it makes you do stuff you normally wouldn't do. This is when you find yourself smoking a joint and knowing that you shouldn't be doing that but you do it anyway because alcohol makes it easier to listen for the craving and ignore the reasoning. It spirals down, you lose control and suddenly you find yourself taking cocaine and smoking marijuana. You see all those stupid things you do but it is like a movie, it just happens. Can you trust yourself when you finally have the motivation to go through a detox unit for a couple of weeks or even luxury inpatient alcohol rehab in spain and then find yourself stoned in a parking lot right after you leave. The self confidence just thrown in the trash. In our rehabilitation center here in Costa del Sol we know where you are coming from and we have specialized personal that is there for you in every step. We see to it that you follow through and we can get you the help you need. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Why we love our work

Our treatment program here in Spain we let you go through a specialized recovery process. Seeing this change of a person on the first day of the treatment and then a couple of weeks after seeing the same person with a brighter face is just amazing. This is why so many of us that is working with our patients love our job. Seeing the person whose family comes to visit and how they react when they see the new person that they knew long before coming back on his or her feet. This is what motivates us to stay with a person and follow through because there is nothing so sad as seeing the person getting beaten down because of a relapse. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Some thoughts about sobriety

people that is working with alcohol rehabilitation and people that is undergoing treatment from both alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence knows what a struggle it is and what willpower plus motivation it requires to get the body and mind into a shape that they no longer feel that they have any alcohol dependence any more. This is what everyone that is involved with this call the 'Celebration'. When you have been in sobriety for over three years you can compare from then and now what the journey have been all about. You can use this experience to help other people that is having a hard time dealing with their addiction. Some treatment centers are actively searching for people that have this experience. Back to top of page ^
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Why is alcohol so dangerous?

What is it like to become an alcoholic

for most people that uses alcohol and drugs as a way to escape the pain and the negative thoughts that is always there because of some tragedies that happened earlier in childhood. The head is always presenting these bad memories and then finding alcohol and drug giving you a way out. And later as you continue to take these you feel that it get worse. You continue to do it for years and years and you loose a lot of things like losing the respect of yourself and your dignity. The typical drug that most people use is marijuana and that is the gate way drug that many people warn us about. Typical drugs like cocaine, heroine and meth is very common for people to use after some use of marijuana. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Committing to a treatment program is very hard

You get no access to alcohol or any drugs and when you walk through these doors you know that you can't return to your old life. You have to be with yourself and it terrifies you. In many cases you have to stay for several months without any drugs or alcohol. After all these months of treatment many of those that where in the program go back to their old life and relapse. One drink or one joint and you know all effort were for nothing. Many people get relapses and try over and over. The important thing is to never give up and to not loose your hope and yourself. Some addicts search for help themselves and they have motivation to quit. Other people start to do criminal things and get taken by the police and get an ultimatum to either go to prison or willingly commit to a treatment program. There are also those that get help from family or friends to find a treatment program and committing to it. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

The benefit of an open facility versus a locked down facility

Nobody wants to be locked up (not normally anyway) and unless there is an urgent need with help of courts and different legal people it can be almost impossible in Spain to lock someone up in a facility.
All the alcohol rehab clinics we work with in Spain have a flexible approach to people being able to leave the clinics and later on a 28 day program the independence of being able to leave for short trips is encouraged.

With an open facility you have the benefit of freedom to commit to your own responsibility. You can leave at any time and explore the location. You can take someone under your wings and be a sponsor. You can be given obligations or tasks to keep you motivated and then return to a check up meeting at the facility to see how you are doing. It would be like a new sensation and you can see that you actually have an important function in the society. This is something that alcoholics and other beaten down addicts loses somewhere between from when they begun and when they got to their worst addiction day. Back to top of page ^

For information on alcohol rehab in Spain with freedom and encouragement.

We get that you are going on a difficult journey and you will need your independence and freedom so we encourge this..

Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Free programs versus paid programs

it is important to know that the resources that is required to treat a person with alcohol addiction is very high. It is also important to know that the government has set aside a small portion of tax money to pay for these resources. The good thing is that there is free programs available that doesn't require any insurance from the patient. The bad thing is that it can take a very long time to get the place for any free program. In most cases you will have to wait for over two years until you can commit to the treatment. Some people are so desperate that they will commit a crime in order to speed up this waiting time. Our rehabilitation program here in Costa del Sol will give you a high quality treatment and we strive to be as cost effective as possible with a high quality standard. Back to top of page ^
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Why is alcohol so dangerous?

A counselor as a former addict

having a counselor that knows what you're going through can be really powerful. That kind of counselor is something more than just a psychotherapist or a psychologist because he or she can be your friend and can be there for you in person giving you support and motivation at any time when you feel that you are about to relapse. He or she can also be just a phone call away because of the friendship relation you have. Maybe you don't have a car or can't afford taking a bus or taxi to a rehabilitation meeting them you could ask your counselor for help and you can attend this meeting together. The counselor will be instrumental in your recovery. If you have a good counselor then he or she will be honest with you and the counselor we tell you things that you need to work on. The the counselor will make you feel comfortable and that is a really big thing. It is a nice thing to have someone sharing their experience right at home and that is part of the treatment program. Because many of the counselors that have been addicts also have criminal knowledge they become a powerful helper to the person that are committing to the program. Back to top of page ^
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Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Being a woman that is using drugs and having a relationship

When you become an alcoholic or drug addict you tend to draw or be drawn to people that are the same. It will be extra hard for a woman because it is more difficult for a woman to defend herself. If she has a boyfriend that is also using alcohol or drugs and that boyfriend abuses her she will be more or less on her own. Who will be there to defend her when nobody really wants to be with an addict. It is important in that scenario that she have families and friends that still love her and have not given up on her. Back to top of page ^
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Why is alcohol so dangerous?

On the way to recovery from alcohol

after spending a couple of weeks in a detox program and then a month in the rehabilitation program you start to connect with yourself and start to rebuild the thing about yourself you couldn't stand when you wear a train wreck. You were probably so disappointed that you couldn't say no to drugs or alcohol and losing control was the easiest thing you knew. Then suddenly when you feel the connection you can be in a room by yourself and and say: -Hey I'm okay. The things outside doesn't mean much but only how you feel inside. Being able to walk with your head up and not being terrified who is behind you. The nice thing of being able to blend in in social gatherings like family and friends and at the workplace. Feeling that you belong somewhere. On the way to sobriety you work from the inside and out and continue build your self-confidence. Back to top of page ^


Why is alcohol so dangerous?

The devil of relapsing with alcohol

Some people do drugs without being a heavy drinker or abusing alcohol. At some point a person that take these drugs will have an overdose and land in a hospital in the recovery room. Depression is a normal reason why a person do drugs and the doctor would prescribe anti anxiety pills and recommend the patient to commit to a detox unit for two weeks. After the detox program the person needs an iron will to not relapse. Most younger people doesn't have that will and a relapse is inevitable. Now yohu would think that you could replace drugs with alcohol but that is the worst mistake you can do. Being dependent of alcohol is almost guaranteed in that case because you haven't done anything about your depression and you combined the alcohol with anxiety medication just to be able to talk to people. At this stage it is imperative to seek treatment as soon as possible and the combined treatment of curing both the depression and the addiction. Having relatives to support you is most recommended. Back to top of page ^
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Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Went into treatment for 30 days

after my alcohol and drug abuse I felt that this took me really down on my knees and I felt so helpless. My dad knew about my problem from my girlfriend and went to see me. He convinced me to commit to an alcohol treatment program. Normally I wouldn't let my dad telling me what do but I felt so beaten down and I wanted a way out from all of my problems. We found a 30 days treatment program and I didn't plan on getting well I just want to pause from all my trouble. I also had a lot of credit card debts and wanted just to run away.Back to top of page ^

Why is alcohol so dangerous?

The group session meetings

after one week of detox in the 30 days treatment program I was participating in group session meetings. We sat in a group and everyone told their story. Some people in that group were much older than me and the funny thing was that I could hear my story coming back to me from an old guy sitting next to me. And then another guy had a similar story and of course there are people that have the same problem as I got the strange thing is when I could hear my story from someone else it had a different meaning to me. Back to top of page ^

Why is alcohol so dangerous?

My counselor from treatment program and more group sessions

I got a great counselor that helped me out through my stay in the treatment program. She sat down with me and had a long talk. I told her that I didn't have any will and didn't care much. She told me that I'm absolutely beaten-down and miserable and I could just as well try. Somehow what she said made sense and instead of just sitting doing nothing I would give it a try. In our group session we had a talk about losses of what we had and and then we talked about what we would like to have in our dreams. We talked about what certain people had that we wanted and it was very strange that talk because it got through to me. This is when everything changed and I had my will back so I just took one day at the time.Back to top of page ^

Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Cried when she had to get the drugs

Lauren had just finished college and she began to use heroine after graduating. She was drinking and using cocaine as well as smoking marijuana. At first she did this once a week and then it got worse after to a point that she used a couple of times a week. She was an educated person and knew about drugs, drinking and what it did to her but still she convinced herself that this wouldn't hurt her and that she could continue using without any bad consequences. She thought that because she was educated she could do it differently or better than everybody else. She continued on and came to a point where she could not stop. She tried very hard not to use but it felt impossible to quit. She couldn't stop herself from going to buy the alcohol and the drugs. She cried every time she did that because she felt she didn't have any freedom and that she was forced to buy the drugs and alcohol. She was losing about everything just for the drugs. She lost her job, her apartment and wrecked her car. She had to live with her mom and after a month she became homeless.Back to top of page ^

Why is alcohol so dangerous?

My sponsor at the recovery clinic

At first when I came to the recovery clinic I just felt such a loser and that I would never be able to get up from my beaten-down situation. In the clinic I met the person that would change my life. My friend and sponsor Mercy came out and put her hand on my forearm. She said in a calm voice that it is going to be okay and that we are going to take care of you. That was overwhelming for me because I knew I couldn't help myself and I felt such kindness from her and that she really meant it. These words for some reason gave me much comfort and that I needed someone to tell me that it was going to be okay. Without the help from my sponsor I didn't think it was going to be okay and I didn't think I was going to make it this time either. It would be another try and another fail.Back to top of page ^

The person in need of rehabilitation and Costa rehab

You may wonder if Costa rehab is that rehabilitation center that is right for you or for the person that you are trying to help. We know there is many other good rehabilitation clinics around the world so why would you choose Costa rehab. We know that it is very important for the patient to get his or her motivation and will back. Therefore it is essential that the environment where the person will be treated is as nice, comfortable and relaxing as possible. We would see to it that the person that are willing to get sober is going to do what ever he or she can and in order to do that it is going to be important that the self-confidence and motivation has a steady environment to grow in. We recommend a special long-term treatment package where the patient can start the detox right away and then feel a little bit more comfortable. After that the patient are ready to see a physician and get some follow-up medical care. In this package we offer group therapy, individual counseling and family therapy. With the family therapy we can do it over phone if they can't come and visit the patient. In the first month that therapy will be intensive throughout the day. When the first month have passed we go into an extended care where the patient will have a bit more community integration.Back to top of page ^

Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Beat the addiction and put your problem behind you

The most wonderful thing you can do is putting the problem behind you. It is a great relief to feel that you are in control again and to know that all the work to beat the addiction is over. You still have to be responsible of your action and you just have to think that if you take the drink then all the work you did would be for nothing and you have to do it all over again. It is nothing strange of being allergic to alcohol. Live your life with that in mind and you will feel awesome knowing that your strong-willed and that you succeed with something that so many people trying to beat. Also remember that the fundamental thing is that better you feel about yourself the better you do for yourself. Back to top of page ^

Why is alcohol so dangerous?

The evaluation process done by a medical expert

When an addict is admitted to be treated in a rehabilitation clinic the person needs to be evaluated before he or she can be treated. A medical expert in alcohol addiction are trying to figure out what shape the person is in. If the person isn't strong enough to begin the treatment it is recommended that the individual is first hospitalized. The level of alcohol addiction is determined by various tests to see if the person can begin the treatment or if he or she is better off in a hospital. An out-patient plan is set in motion when the medical expert have decided that the patient suffering from a minor addiction problem and that the patient are capable of breaking loose when he or she is committed to the treatment. Back to top of page ^

Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Inpatient treatment versus outpatient treatment

The inpatient treatment is a plan for patients that need special care because they are so beaten-down by alcohol or other drug substances. The normal procedure is for the patient to be committed to a detox program for about two weeks and then the patient is in a lock-down facility where he or she is rehabilitated with group therapy and is also assigned a sponsor that have been through rehabilitation themselves. An outpatient treatment plan is assigned for patients that are not in immediate danger of being an alcohol abuser or being dependent of alcohol. The person that is committed to an outpatient plan has normally been through and inpatient treatment earlier and is seeing a doctor maybe once a week to check up on his or her progress. The important part for the doctor is to see how the patient are holding up.Back to top of page ^

Why is alcohol so dangerous?

Very difficult getting through a withdrawal of process`

To break loose from the grips of alcohol there is always a price to pay and this is something that a person that is going through a withdrawal process is very well aware of. After effects such as extreme headache, nausea, fever and stomach pain as well as other symptoms is very common when going through difficult process of withdrawal. The alcoholic need to be well prepared on what's coming in the best way to do that is to let the person know that he or she will have their life back and regain their freedom

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After Alcohol Rehabilitation

Of course the last short article in this whole page should reflect on the effects after one has suffered alcohol addiction for some time and the actual addiction is fixed if i can use the word fixed.
After the enlightenment and you have stopped drinking there will of course be some residue of toxins in your body but also a lot more.

One example of a problem that sort of explains what my point is could be suddenly feeling pain from toothache.
Sugar and alcohols can of course decay teeth and someone who is in the deep dark despair of a terrible alcohol addiction may not be so hot on dental hygiene.
Alcohol is an anesthetic so as soon as you no longer have alcohol constantly bombarding your system and any medication from the alcohol rehab has long since left your body there may be something like a masked toothache appears. This toothache is indicative of many different small ailments and also emotional problems that may appear or resurface one the detox is done. Back to top of page ^

Some of the alcohol rehab centers in Spain have a structured follow up treatment.

All information you submit or anything you tell us is always confidential and in a non judgemental manner. We understand this may be a very difficult time for you and it is our goal to help you through this difficult period in your life.


Cleaning homes of alcohol

Often times a person with an alcohol addiction will hide alcoholic beverages around the home, garage or even garden so it can be quite beneficial to get in a team of cleaners and gardeners to go through the house and clean out not just the old familiar odors but also to hunt out any stashes of alcohol.
Toilet cisterns, inside of lamps, in bushes in the garden or even in boxes high up in a garage are some of the favorite hiding places of a typical person dependent on alcohol so these need lots of attention. You ideally need to do a very good de clutter and a full house clean because the clutter could be hiding old alcohol or retaining familiar trigger smells. Back to top of page ^

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Contact us for Alcohol Rehab in Spain

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Residential Addiction Treatment Center in Marbella Addiction Treatment Center in Marbella

English Owned Luxury Addiction Hospital

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  • Eating Disorders? Yes
  • Rooms: 14
  • Beachside: Yes
  • English Speaking: Yes
Residential Addiction Treatment in Ibiza Addiction Treatment Center in Ibiza

English Owned Luxury Addiction Rehab

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  • Intensive : 2
Residential Addiction Treatment in Madrid Addiction Treatment Center in Madrid

Spanish Owned Budget Addiction Rehab

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  • Intensive : 5
Residential Addiction Treatment Barcelona Addiction Treatment Center in Barcelona

English Speaking Budget Addiction Center

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  • Baths: 2
Addiction Treatment Center Mallorca Addiction Treatment Center in Mallorca

English Speaking Budget Detox Clinic

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Budget Drug Rehab Center in Alicante Drug Rehab and Alcohol Detox Clinic in Alicante

English Speaking Rehab Center in Alicante

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