Acerophobia Causes and Treatments
What does Acerophobia mean? Acara from the word akari (which is greek) that translated to mite and phobia from the word phobos meaning fear.
What exactly is Acerophobia? The fundamentals of Acerophobia are an overwhelming and pretty much irrational fear of insects such as scabies, lice, ticks or bedbugs.
Acrophobic people will possibly feel an overwhelming itch or more commonly a crawling sensation all over or under their skin.
What are the main causes of Acerophobia? With most phobias there is some kind of trigger point in the past that created what could be considered an irrational fear. This could have been someone got bedbugs in their house and never actually felt like the house was clean afterwards.
There is even new evidence to support that people can get Acerophobia from watching films with parasites or insects in them